The ERP business management software frees time from the personnel in charge of business analysis since it saves them from devoting effort to combine the different information arriving from different sources. It can be said without fear of being wrong that an ERP allows to make better decisions in less time.
Greater productivity and competitiveness
Even today it is relatively easy to find companies that, despite having a long journey, have become accustomed to living with a multitude of management problems: not updated inventories, unproductive tasks that require time and personnel, inefficiencies in production, saturated warehouses that compromise liquidity, delays in deliveries, etc.
In essence, the process and resource management offered by an ERP has been designed to drive the overall performance of the business. The consequence of this is that, the greater the number of business processes implemented in the management information system, and the greater the degree of use thereof by the personnel, the greater the efficiency and profitability that the company obtains with the implementation of an ERP.
But beyond the theory is the real need because, today, to be competitive, it is a necessary condition to optimize the use of available resources. And to achieve this, it is essential to have a good ERP that helps to achieve this task.
Recent studies indicate that currently, more than 70% of large IT or other companies have implemented some type of ERP solution. And the tendency is for that percentage to go up, not only in the large company but also in the small and medium. The reason: in such a competitive global economy, many SMEs must compete against large corporations, which requires them to improve the management of their processes in order to reduce working expenses while enhancing efficiency and business results.
Better financial management
Once an ERP has been implemented and it is used with assiduity and maturity, the dedication times necessary for repetitive tasks, operating costs and many of the administrative tasks decrease, thanks to the rapidity in the answers and the progressive elimination of procedures.
One of the keys to the implementation of an ERP is the improvement experienced by the company’s financial management process. The maturity in the degree of use of an ERP means that executives, middle managers, and authorized users can analyze in real time which financial statements of the company are derived from the latest data entered into the system.
The mere possibility of obtaining at any time a true picture of the company’s economic situation, both real and social, allows us to foresee and distinguish more favorable situations from those that require more attention. We, therefore, talk about obtaining relevant economic-financial information in real time, which is very useful in the decision-making process, since it helps improve the overall management of the company.
Greater security
One of the objectives of the implementation of an ERP is that most of the business data is integrated into a single repository or information store. Each ERP has a database where all the information collected is stored, controlling in parallel the access and use that each user makes of it.
The access permissions to the business information can be established individually or through user roles (user groups that share certain characteristics). Although the most common is to assign each user unique access credentials (based on a user ID and password), it is also possible to increase security through using the biometric devices, smart cards, and the like.
The ERPs also allows controlling the business rules (operational flows) as well as the user information editing permissions.
With all this, the companies greatly strengthen the security, trust, and confidentiality of the information they store.
Do you need more information about ERPs and other tools that can help your company be more productive and efficient? Visit ‘Mobile Computer Repair Service’ website about business management software and discover how we can help you to achieve the digital transformation of your organization.