The set of systems, languages or technologies that are commonly used together, in the development of web applications, differentiates one web servers from another. There are lots of servers services available.
The most common Internet infrastructure system uses the tools known by the acronym LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP).
Some of the services that can be included in lodging are:
- File transfer system via web.
- Access to files via FTP.
- Creation of databases, MySQL is the most popular open source database in the world for web applications with Linux operating system and administration through a web platform.
- Email accounts with own domain, management of mailing lists, access from desktop mail clients (Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook etc.) and access via webmail.
- Virtual hard drives that can be configured as a network unit in a local computer via protocols such as WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) and that allow us to share, edit and manage files on a remote server via HTTP.
- Backup copies or backup by name in English.
- Management of domains and subdomains.
- Traffic and consumption statistics.
- Wizards for quick installation of popular free software packages such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.
When contracting a web service, a series of parameters must be taken into consideration:
- The domains can be purchased separately (with another provider) or with the same web hosting provider.
- Traffic forecast: very cheap web hosts usually have a limited traffic capacity (less than 1,000 visits per day).
- When migrating a website from one accommodation to another one must take special care with this information.
- The capacity of the server: processing capacity (CPU capacity), disk space and available bandwidth.
- The type of technology that the web will use: static HTML pages or server applications such as PHP, Perl, Python etc.
- You must choose the operating system of the web hosting: Windows or Linux.
- Linux hosting is basically for WordPress, Joomla or other content management type systems, for websites with dynamic programming and/or using MySQL databases.
- Windows hosting is basically for ASP, ASP.NET with SQL Server databases.
- Multi-domain hosting capacity: that is, the hosting supports a single web (a single domain) or several websites with different domains.
- Security of the server room or data processing center: it is about finding out if the hosting vendor has a data processing center that is protected against hackers or natural disasters and that has reliable data recovery systems.
- The importance of the technical service: communication through multiple channels as 24/7/365.